Saturday, January 5, 2013

Back in the U.S.A.

We are now back home - doing laundry, paying bills and catching up on sleep. It was a tough trip back. As mentioned before, Trey wasn't feeling too well the few days prior to travel. His usual exceptional timing kicked in and he was at his most sick for the travel time. A bit of puking in airports, high high fever, and overall yukiness for the 30 hour trip home. Poor kid. But we are home and happy with some incredible memories. The trip was all I could have hoped for. My traveling group (shown below)could not have been more fun. I have spent 5 years dreaming of our return to Trey's birth country. New dreams are now being formed for 2017!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Pictures are beautiful, Cindy. I Love, Love that you went back to the care center and re-connected with some of the nannies. A memorable trip indeed! And Trey looks pretty good for being so sick! Glad you had such an amazing group to travel with. Any Snake blood this time around?


Deb in Walla Walla