Saturday, May 9, 2009

Things about Trey

1. Eats most anything. Current favorites include hot dogs, sushi and rice. How a kid can eat SO much and still not gain weight is beyond me!
2. Finally learned to say (instead of sign) please this week.
3. Loves trucks and buses - points out every one he sees. Both trucks and buses are called "bus".
4. Loves his pooh and blankie.
5. Goes down without a fight, every time.
6. Is very good at stacking legos - spent an hour making beautiful towers this morning.
7. Says "GO" about 10 times a day. Does not know how to sit still.
8. Prefers being outside, even in the rain and cold.
9. Can throw fits of epic proportions.
10. Hates to get his hair cut

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