Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Trey 3.5

It has been so long since I posted I may have forgotten how! But today felt like a long lost post was in order.

On my way to work this morning it struck me that today is Trey's half birthday. How did he already hit this milestone when just last week I was watching him blow out 3 candles? This summer has flown by and Trey has changed in a million ways. Most good, some not so much! He is a 3 year old after all. So here are my thoughts on my son in no particular order....
1. Trey is an outdoor kid. Not big into movies or tv for more than 15 minutes or so at a time. Loves to ride his bike, swim, scooter, play soccer and run around like a crazy man.

2. Loves his friends and talks about them all the time. He seems to get along well with most all kids (well, most of the time) and seems to be a pretty fun kid to play with. Is especially obsessed with a cute little blonde at daycare.

3. Loves his daycare. I have been so lucky to land in the perfect spot for us. We have a wonderful friend in Shelly. She loves my boy and takes such great care of him - he is happy to go there each morning and happy when I pick him up. Plus is with a great group of kids who he adores.

4. Is still the best eater evah! Prefer noodles to most anything - especially if they are spicy. If you ask him what his favorite food is he usually says sushi. Needs dessert every night or the day is just not complete.

5. Still goes to bed like a champ each night, and not too tough at nap time.

6. Amazes me with his compassion for others

7. Has rocked my world. 3.5 years ago I could never imagine being lucky enough to parent a little boy, let alone this one. He has put my life in perspective and made me a better person

8. So you don't think he is perfect....favorite word = poop. Favorite phrase = poke your eye out. Still has fits of epic proportions that leave me on the outside of his bedroom door wondering what the heck just happened.

It may be another 3.5 before I post again, but that is a little insight into the life of Trey.

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